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Ardsley Panthers Family Fund
Welcomes You

At Panthers Family Fund we raise funds to provide scholarships for students in our district who need financial assistance. The scholarships PFF provides are for participating in basic educational activities/programs at our schools and/or receiving supporting services/items. These scholarships are given so that students can participate alongside their peers in basic activities in school and be an integral part of our community regardless of their family's income. Panthers Family Fund is a 501(c)(3) all volunteer run organization. 

Did you know that every year approximately 11% of the students in Ardsley schools qualify for the
free or reduced price lunch?


We formed PFF because there was an unmet need for local scholarships or financial aid for Ardsley students for educational activities at school. There were no local financial aid programs or scholarships available for these students, many of whom qualify for the free/reduced fee lunch.

Who is eligible for the free/reduced lunch fee? Who does PFF help?

Families of 4 with an annual income of $39,000 or less qualify for the free lunch fee in NYS. An income of $55,500 is the top threshold for the reduced lunch fee. These are the thresholds for eligibility in NYS for the 2023-24 school year. PFF also follows the guidelines published by United Way according to which a family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children, who are not in child care) in Westchester in 2023 needs an income of around $75,480 a year just to survive, paycheck to paycheck, with the bare minimums.

How does PFF work?

We work directly with the district and with the staff at Concord Road Elementary school and at Ardsley Middle School to obtain each school's “wishlist” to set our fundraising goals for the school year and to make sure that scholarships are provided to deserving students. The students and families’ identity are kept confidential and unknown to PFF. We hope to broaden our scholarships to the High School in the near future.

We know that you have many good causes to choose from to donate money you've worked hard to earn. Even a small donation to PFF will make a big difference, right here, in our community. We need your help today to make this school year so much better for many of our children. We hope you choose to give to PFF.

Thank you♡

Tami Schoen, Ravely Reddy, Reka Salgunan, and David Herzog

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